NYT Baracoa Picks
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I met Milda Guttierez Romeriez on the steep farm road above her hut as she was emerging from the brush with a burlap bag of beans she harvested for a local coop .
On the hot morning, she invited me to cool off in her cabin - proudly retrieved a glass jar of ground coffeemade from beans she harvested on the mountain above her home, and prepared strong cups for us over an open fire in the kitchen area of the cabin where she’s lived with her husband for 32 years. . I met Milda Guttierez Romeriez on the steep farm road above her hut as she was emerging from the brush with a burlap bag of beans she harvested for a local coop .
On the hot morning, she invited me to cool off in her cabin - proudly retrieved a glass jar of ground coffeemade from beans she harvested on the mountain above her home, and prepared strong cups for us over an open fire in the kitchen area of the cabin where she’s lived with her husband for 32 years. . (dirt floor, metal roof with sun coming through holes in roof and walls.) « less
Todd Shapera, 2022